Terms And Conditions

A. Terms & Conditions of Use:

Please read these carefully if at all possible. The following terms and conditions govern how you can access and use this website. By accessing or using this Site, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use and any other guidelines, restrictions, or decisions that may be posted with relation to particular services or parts of this Site. All such additional posted restrictions, limits, or guidelines are thus included into these Terms of Use by reference. The Site and these Terms of Use are subject to modification at any time without prior notice, at the sole discretion of Social Profile Card. When visiting this site, you should review these Terms of Use. You also consent to us having the right to send you any legal notifications or communications through email to the email address you gave to us during registration on our website, or by publishing them on our website at our discretion. By contacting customer service, you can revoke your agreement to receive communications from us electronically. However, if you decide not to receive any emails electronically going forward, you must stop using your account.

B(i). Use of Site:

For the sole purpose of preparing, evaluating, and ordering cards or services (referred to above as "Items"), you are granted permission to access and use this site and its content. It is not authorised or permitted to download, maintain, utilise, produce, or distribute any portion of the Content in any other way. Purchasing Products from Social Profile Card disqualifies you from making use of any Content that is not included in the finished Products as they are offered by Social Profile Card.You agree to use this site responsibly and in accordance with these Terms of Use, your local laws, and any applicable import or fare regulations. Without limitations, no part of the Content may be used as a trademark or service mark for any explicit use, for any illegal purpose or use, to disparage any individual, to abuse that individual's right to privacy or anonymity, to infringe upon that individual's copyright, trade name, trademark, service mark, or other licenced innovation right, or to otherwise infringe upon the rights of any other person or thing.You agree that you won't use the Site to make Products that are unfriendly, illegal, snooping, disparaging, compromising, cruel, nasty, revengeful, or in any other way startling. Customers who are detected utilising Social Profile Card for illegal activity may have their service terminated. The way you utilise Content in conjunction with any other photos, graphics, text, or other components you use to make your products is entirely up to you. You acknowledge that unless you have secured the required permissions from the owners, you will not include any text, picture, design, trademark, service mark, or other copyrighted material of any third party in your Products.You guarantee that none of the rights of any third party—including copyright, trademark, privacy, and right of publicity—are violated by your products. You also guarantee that they won't libelize or defame anyone else, and that you have all necessary licences or other authorizations to use third-party content in your products. By using this Site to place an order, you represent and warrant that you have the requisite rights, permissions, and powers to do so. You also give Social Profile Card your approval to produce the Products on your behalf.You authorise Social Profile Card to use any uploaded content (i.e., anything you have uploaded) for order fulfilment by granting Social Profile Card the right to copy, alter, make derivative works from, and vectorize such content. In addition, you guarantee that the uploaded content can be copied, altered, transformed into derivative works, and vectorized by Social Profile Card in order to complete your purchase.

You are not permitted to use this website to send spam or unsolicited e-mails in any way, including the use of e-cards. It is forbidden to create and/or send e-cards automatically using scripting or other applications. The number of recipients to whom you may send an e-card and/or the number of e-cards that you may send may both be limited at any time by Social Profile Card in its sole discretion without prior notice. You acknowledge that you are in charge of guarding your password and limiting access to your registered account. You acknowledge that you are accountable for all orders placed and other actions carried out using your registered account. The main purpose of availing a social profile card is to build business contacts, so, you might have a distribution list for your contemplation. However, you must know that the distribution list containing the e-mail addresses or contact details of your vendors are entirely private and no-one but you can only access it. We, at Social Profile Card, never steal such info to send promotional memos or share it with any other institution or individual.

B(ii). Use of Social Profile Card:

A trademark product solely owned by Koala Solutions. We kindly remind you that any use of our product name, website content, or showcasing it at any platform without prior written consent is strictly prohibited and will result in legal action taken against you.
We value and protect our intellectual property rights, and we expect our users to do the same. Any unauthorized use of our product may cause harm to our brand, reputation, and business. Therefore, we urge you to comply with our terms and conditions and obtain proper consent before using our product.

C. For Limited Use Only, Copyrighted Materials:

This site's Content includes designs, photographs, illustrations, record formats, works of art, textual styles, musical compositions, programming tools, and other data. As well as being owned by Social Profile Card and its affiliates, this site and all of its contents are also the property of third parties whose rights we have granted permission to use. There are international protections for all of the rights in this website and its content. Any use of the Content that isn't expressly authorised by these Terms of Use is strictly forbidden, including holding, copying, disseminating, or distributing it. Without giving prior notice, we assert the right to modify, delete, or add to any piece of Content at any time. Any modifications to the Content, whether made by You or us, do not change the fact that they belong to us and our licensors. The design tools provided on this site make use of a predetermined set of elements, such as symbols, text styles, colour schemes, and configuration impacts. We retain the necessary rights to use each and every one of these components and to later make them available for use by other groups. By creating a structure or maybe condensing a plan into at least one item, you do not gain any privilege or guarantee to any of the individual plan components. There is no guarantee that your plan won't resemble any other plans created and used by other groups. Different clients may use the structure tools to create plans with similar or identical combinations of these components. We make no representations or warranties of any kind regarding the likelihood that buildings built using the plan tools will not infringe upon another party's trademark or other property rights or be subject to allegations of doing so. To determine if the plan is legally available for your use and doesn't infringe on the rights of another party, it is solely your responsibility to seek legal advice.

D. Shipping & Delivery Policy:

Firstly our representative will confirm your order on call. Then, to design, produce, and package your card, it will take us one day. After that, allow at least two to three days for delivery. We can give you a general estimation of five days. Nevertheless, we'll make an effort to provide as soon as we can.

Whenever possible, we constantly aim to provide. But if the delivery is delayed, there is no reimbursement.

E. Personal Agreeance:

By using this Site, you agree to these Terms & Conditions and to abide by them. Please do not use this site if you do not agree to these terms and conditions. Unless it's too much trouble NOTE: We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to alter, amend, or otherwise revise these Terms and Conditions whenever. Revisions will start to take effect immediately, barring any indication to the contrary. If possible, please audit these Terms and Conditions from time to time. If you continue to use the Site after changes and modifications have been posted, it will be assumed that you have read and understand the modified Terms and Conditions and are aware of these guidelines for notice of changes. As of the date when these terms and conditions were at their most recent revision, this page was last updated for your information.

F. Refusal of Warranty:

Without any expressed or implied promises of any kind, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, readiness for a particular purpose, or non-encroachment, the site and its contents are provided "as is" and "with all faults." You acknowledge that the site's activities may not always be constant or error-free. There may be references and linkages on the site to goods or services provided by independent organisations. Without any expressed or implied promises, these references and linkages are provided "with no guarantees."

G. Restrictions on Liability:

In no event will Social Profile Card or its licensors, providers, or sellers, their officials, chiefs, representatives, or operators be at chance for any extraordinary, coincidental, backhanded, or widespread harms of any sort, or for any harms in any respect next from lack of usage, information, or benefits, irrespective of whether or not Social Profile Card has been advised regarding the threat of harm, rising out of or concerning the usage or execution of the web website online or of lack of ability to offer gadgets or administrations which you request from Social Profile Card or its subsidiaries, together with with out impediment, harms rising from botch, exclusion, infection, postponement, or interference of administration. In no event will Social Profile Card be problem or answerable for any harms or effects rising from or diagnosed together along with your fallacious or unapproved usage of this web website online or its substance.

H. Approval of Order:

Prior to printing, the client is solely responsible for format approval and definitive verification. Social Profile Card is NOT LIABLE for mistakes in the final item resulting from any of the following factors: Incorrect spelling, graphics, bleeds, grammar, damaged fonts, punctuation, incorrect or missing folds, and finished product size are all examples of errors in printing.

I. Identity:

When you hand over your print-ready records to Social Profile Card, you agree to the following conditions: "I have confirmed that spelling and substance are correct. The report's layout pleases me. I am aware that once my request is submitted, it cannot be changed, that my archive will print EXACTLY as it appears here, and that I accept full responsibility for any typographical errors.